Well it was an early start this morning as I received a text saying the new dryer will arrive between 745 and 1145am.
As requested, I was asked to remove the old dryer and make it easily collectable for the free collection they provided for me, so I took it out of its little space it was in and put it into the back garden for the delivery team to collect.
At 10:45 it arrived, they dropped the new dryer into the conservatory ready for me to fit, they were very polite and helpful and promptly removed the old dryer as they offered over the phone.
Within 20 minutes I had it unpacked, I am installing to collect the water in its internal moisture collector tank, you can set it up so the moisture collected go straight into the waste pipe if you have one close by, all that had to be done was to remove the two blocks in the top of the drum for to protect it in transport, and it is ready to use.
The manual recommends you download the App on your phone, the one you need to download is hOn
The app will guide you through the setup of the Wi-Fi to the dryer, I tried 4 times to connect the new machine as recommended, it kept failing! On further reading upon this app I found it needed to be the low 2.4ghz bandwidth to run it, so ill need to look into setting this up on my router.to see if I can set this up.
1st impressions:
- compared to my old dryer it the opening is much bigger so makes loading and unloading much easier
- the door only opens to the left, it can't be changed like some, so this causes some loading issues
- the twin filters seem to collect the lint quite well
- lots of options to get to understand
- the water tank is very easy to use
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